Unexpected Beauty

La Galerie Paris 1839, Hong Kong


  • 29 April to 2 May 2021

  • Hyun Joung LEE, Cyrille BELLIER, Aleksandr AVAGYAN, Dickie SUZUKI, Li HUA, Chaussette B, Stephanie CHENG, Cyril DELETTRE, Harold de PUYMORIN, Michele CADE, THE FRENCH GIRL, Antonia VILLET, Rosalyn NG, Ombeline OLMER, Charles de VAIVRE, Marc PROGIN, Douce d’IVRY, Billy HUNG, Caroline BOUQUET, Gisèle TCHITCHIAMA ,Zong Son ZANG

  • UNEXPECTED BEAUTY is an invitation to look at the things and people around us with different eyes, to detect beauty where we would not imagine it. UNEXPECTED BEAUTY gives us hope for the beauty that the world around us and our lives offer that we should all cherish, and not miss.

    Our prejudices can keep us away from certain forms of art and prevent us from discovering the others. This cross-cultural and mixed art exhibition is an ode to curiosity and openness to others, a space to be surprised by the unknown and to go beyond our preconceived ideas.

    UNEXPECTED BEAUTY artists help us to “see” the beauty hidden in the most insignificant details of a quite ordinary building, the beautiful uniqueness of a stolen life moment captured on the spot, and the enhanced beauty of mixed different art techniques, when literature meets with photography for example or when century-old techniques are magnified by a modern twist.

    UNEXPECTED BEAUTY resonates to the Children of the Mekong’s mission to offer unexpected life opportunities to underprivileged children through education in Southeast Asia. Children of the Mekong helps them reveal their beauty and their potential to embrace professional careers.